Labrea Tar Pits cover card image. High fidelity wireframe of the first onboarding screen.
iOS Mobile App Design

Portal to the Ice Age
The LaBrea Tar Pits

Design a high fidelity engaging and educational app that guides visitors through the Museum, grounds, and tar pits. 

0.0 Introduction

The La Brea Tar Pits does not currently have a guided tour app nor do they have an option for one cohesive beginning-to-end interactive digital experience. 

How might we help visitors engage with technologies that they already use to imagine Ice Age Los Angeles and understand the importance and relevance of the La Brea Tar Pits today?

The LaBrea Tar Pits & Page Museum

Located in the heart of metropolitan Los Angeles, the LaBrea Tar Pits & Page Museum is one of the world’s most famous fossil localities; displaying Ice Age fossils from 10,000 to 40,000-year-old asphalt deposits.

The Challenge


iOS (Mobil)


2 weeks


User Research
Lead UI Design


Rachel Deutsch Savanah Holcomb
Eric Sarmiento 


Sketch, Adobe Suite, InVision, Miro, Google Suite, Whiteboard, Post its, Paper, Sharpie


User Flows, Wireframes (all states), Style guide, Clickable prototype

Process Overview

Full Case study coming soon!